Meita FCJ, gentle apostle to the differently-abled.

The day was bright on Saturday March 2nd and in Sarasvita FCJ Centre the atmosphere was even brighter. Meita FCJ and a large group of volunteers welcomed a group of children and young people with cerebral palsy and their families to Sarasvita. Each person was greeted by Meita in a personal and gentle way. The day was intended to offer support to the children and young people, and to their families. Ms Monica Eviandaru Madyaningrum, a lecturer from Sanata Dharma University, co-hosted the meeting with Meita. The day began with words of welcome, followed by fun-filled ice-breaking activities. After a break for drinks and snacks, Mrs Nurul Saadah Andriani spoke to the group. Nurul is the Director of SAPDA, ‘Centre for Advocacy for Women, Differently-abled and Children’. After the input all those present enjoyed a delicious lunch. All too soon it was time to go home. Each family was given a parcel of supplies and then a team of drivers collected them to take them home. The day was a truly blessed one. All those who took part in any way felt touched, healed and blessed on this special day.

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